Design: Barbara Schmidt
Spoon and bowl are relatives that go back a long time. A spoon is a bowl with a handle. The holder prevents us from getting our hands dirty or scalding them. The Elixyr plates and bowls have handles. Unusual and familiar features, symmetry and asymmetry, geometric and organic elements come together to form a new entity. Flowing lines invite touch. The grip of the handles is so comfortable - you don't want to let go.
Elixyr - beautiful to the touch.
Individual items from the Elixyr series by KAHLA/Thüringen Porzellan

Design Awards

Design: Barbara Schmidt
Küche Award 2007 Germany
iF Design Award China 2006 Hannover, Germany
Form 2006 Federal Arts and Crafts Associations of Germany
Good Design Award 2005 Japan
reddot award 2005 Design Center Nordrhein Westfalen
Form 2005 Federal Arts and Crafts Associations of Germany
International Design Award Baden-Württemberg 2005 Design Center Stuttgart
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