Design: Barbara Schmidt
The straightforward and unconventional porcelain concept sparks the creativity and imagination of a young generation of restaurateurs. Not the stackable cup but rather the versatility of just a few basic pieces is the focal point. Plates serve also as lids, saucers or trays and the bowl is equally suited for food as well as beverages. Salad can be served in the casserole dish and rice bowl, and the tea cup may hold sauces for dipping. This makes Update the ideal tableware for bars and bistros, trendy hot spots, student bars and other restaurants with a young clientèle.

Individual items from the Update series by KAHLA/Thüringen Porzellan
*) These articles are going to be discontinued and will not be included in the next pricelist.


Design Awards
Design: Barbara Schmidt
Form 2001 Federal Arts and Crafts Associations of Germany
Good Design Award 1999 Japan
Good Design Award 1999 The Chicago Athenaeum (USA)
Form '99 Federal Arts and Crafts Associations of Germany
Red Dot for Highest Design Quality 1999
Design Center Nordrhein Westfalen
Design Plus 1999 Ambiente International Trade Fair, Frankfurt
Recognition for Good Product Design 1998 Thuringian Award for Product Design